ABC Realty
- Adresse : 946 Seaway Drive Suite A
Fort Pierce, FL 34949
Ville : New York - Tél : +1 772-465-5100
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ABC REALTY, LLC is a boutique real estate agency in East Side St. Paul, MN that looks and sounds like the community it serves. As an agency, we work across cultures to break down barriers to home-ownership. We specialize in helping first-time home-buyers and new immigrants find a house and a neighborhood that truly fits their needs and exceeds their expectations. We have agents who speak Spanish and Hmong, we regularly work with clients who have translators and, to keep pace with the ever-changing demographics of East Side St. Paul, we‚ or adding agents who speak Burmese. We‚ are accessible and we‚ are available, face to face and over the phone to help our clients each step of the way, whether they‚ or buying or selling
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