Skin Laser & Surgery Specialists
- Adresse :
115 East 57th Street, Suite 400 New York, NY 10022
Ville : New York - Tél : +1 732 301 5477
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SSLS has been serving Manhattan, Hackensack and Hillsborough for the past 20 years and we believe cosmetic dermatology is an art form. Our premier dermatology practice is led by world renowned dermatologist and skin laser industry pioneer, Dr. David Goldberg. We have long been a testing and training ground for dermatological products and devices, putting us at the forefront of an international industry and giving us an incredible knowledge not commonly found elsewhere. This gives us the unique advantage of offering our patients truly cutting edge treatments and equipment before they are widely available. Our concierge team remains committed to bringing our patients the most advanced and customized treatments for stellar results and a unique and enjoyable experience.
Contacter : Skin Laser & Surgery Specialists
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