Carcinoid Cancer Foundation
- Adresse : 5 E 98th St, New York, NY 10029
Ville : New York - Tél : +1 212 241 9410
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Serving the Neuroendocrine Tumor (NET) Community for Over 50 Years
The Carcinoid Cancer Foundation began as the Carcinoid Tumor and Serotonin Research Foundation in 1968 when the NIH fund for rare cancers was terminated. The name was changed to the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation in 1995. It is a nonprofit organization chartered by the State of New York for the purpose of encouraging and supporting education and research on carcinoid and related neuroendocrine cancers.
The staff of the Foundation cannot render authoritative medical consultations. If such an opinion were sought it would require review of all the specific technical details in a patients medical records including review of CT-scans, X-ray films, biopsy slides, blood tests, etc.
A person’s health is too important to have decisions based on casual suggestions and general impressions. A physician experienced and expert in neuroendocrine disease should be consulted for case specific questions. E-mail queries with case specific questions will not be responded to.
This website is constantly being updated as new information and research results become available. Special events that benefit the neuroendocrine tumor community are posted on a regular basis. Information is also available about existing support groups as well as links to other sites regarding pertinent information such as clinical trials, travel information, and references to peer-reviewed articles for the physician.
Carcinoid Cancer Foundation
118 North Bedford Road, Suite 100
Mount Kisco, NY 10549-2555
888-722-3132 or 914-683-1001
Contacter : Carcinoid Cancer Foundation
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