Rodriguez Studio
- Adresse : 139 Fulton St. 614
New York, NY 10038
Ville : New York - Tél : +1 212 217 1535
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We love graceful, uncomplicated design that just feels right, works right, looks great-now and in 50 years- from a piece of furniture, to a room, to a house, to a city.
Our architecture uses materials in compelling, inventive ways that are practical and transcendent.
We take the particular constraints and limitations of each project to generate opportunities to create great architecture.
We bring together our use of modern software to fully visualize projects, our knowledge of established and new building practices, intense analysis, and systematic compilation of project benchmark data, to bring projects to life- from napkin sketch to move-in.
In terms of the environment, we believe in being part of the solution, we believe in integrating energy efficiency and sustainable technologies at all scales be it an interior renovation or an entire building.
Rodríguez Studio is a widely published firm with offices in NYC. Founded in 2004, our work focuses on thoughtfully designed residences, office, and retail spaces.
Contacter : Rodriguez Studio
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