New York Electrician For Commercial
- Adresse : 101 Avenue of the Americas
8th & 9th Floors
New York, NY 10013
Ville : New York - Tél : +1 718 433 4084
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New York Electrical Power Services (NYEPS) is an independent electrical testing and technical service company offering diverse technical capabilities in the electrical industry.
NYEPS provides trained manpower, equipment and technical expertise to service utility, industrial and commercial end users.
Drawing upon a staff of engineers and specially trained journeymen electricians, the firm specializes in various aspects of electrical power and controls, medium and high voltage installation troubleshooting and design services, disaster recovery, testing, maintenance and service, metering, Con Edison interface, engineering and design.
Our capabilities include:
Network Vault Construction
Acceptance testing, maintenance testing, and commissioning testing per NETA standards
Design and installation of substation monitoring and control systems
Electrical systems commissioning and startup services
Emergency services and repair for insurance claims
Fault finding services
Ground resistance tests
Medium and High voltage splicing and terminating
Infrared and thermographic investigations
Insulating oil tests and analysis
Insulation resistance testing for all electrical equipment (i.e. cables, bus duct, circuit breakers, transformers and motors etc.)
Meter and instrument testing and calibration
Metering and demand studies
Motor testing and maintenance
Power system harmonic analysis
Power systems and controls, design and trouble shooting
Power systems engineering and review
Protective relay calibration, testing, and design
Scheduled electrical maintenance
Short circuit, coordination, and arc flash hazard studies
System identifications survey and studies
Electrical riser drawings and blueprint development and updating
Transformer testing and services
Contacter : New York Electrician For Commercial
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