Physical Therapy With a Personal Touch
- Adresse : 333 E 46th St.
Suite 1H New York, NY 10017
Ville : New York - Tél : +1 917 539 0224
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About the Practice
Lisa Sattler Physical Therapy has evolved over the years to become more whole person oriented. It became clear over time that in many cases what was needed to improve a person’s pain in one area some other things also needed to be addressed if the goals were going to be met.
Lisa believes in results. Lisa will spend extra time with people to make sure all of the information has been explained, or the exercises are clear and the patient is doing them correctly. Most importantly Lisa is not distracted by other patients when working with you, Lisa sees only 1 patient at a time.
Lisa has recently recognized the changes in health insurance have been causing patients primary care visits with their doctor to be shorter since doctors have gotten busier. Lisa helps the patients to formulate questions for any upcoming visits a patient has so that the shorter time the doctor spends will be informative. This helps the patients get better too if they have a productive visit with their doctors.
As health care evolves overall, Lisa has set a goal to evolve her practice in order to continue to meet the needs of everyone.
About Lisa
Lisa Sattler, PT, DPT, MSc, has been a physical therapist for over 25 years. She has a masters degree in science from Long Island University where she graduated magna cum laude and a doctorate in physical therapy from Stonybrook. Lisa is also certified in musculoskeletal diagnostic ultrasound.
Lisa has been working with patients with a variety of injuries however, she has specialized in neck / shoulder/arm/hand pain syndromes and TMJ disorders. She wrote a program of treatment for RSI and taught many courses with Dr Emil Pascarelli about this injury.
Lisa is also working with breast cancer survivors, showing them post surgical stretches and exercise.
Lisa lives in NYC with her daughter who is a college student in Massachusetts.
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