Rexrode Chirigos Arc
- Adresse : 10 East 23rd Street, 6th floor
New York NY 10010
Ville : New York - Tél : +1 212 387 7980
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Fundamental to design at Rexrode Chirinos Architects is the goal of improving one’s basic sense of space and location for people that inhabit or visit the work.
Rexrode Chirigos Architects creates projects that provide for ready perception of interior and exterior space, clear circulation and elegant proportions by focusing the program and emphasizing the elemental form of a site or an existing structure. The aim is to create spaces that not only reveal the use and individual character of each project but to connect the occupants with the project’s extents and surrounding environment.
Central to achieving these goals is awareness and sensitivity to lighting. All projects attempt to maximize the introduction of natural light. Complementing this is the ability to design artificial illumination benefiting from exposure to working with lighting designers during the design of libraries, art galleries, theaters, museums and residences.
Clean, spare and simple detailing complete projects that stand alone or complement the character of a space in an existing building.
Elizabeth Rexrode received her Bachelor of Architecture form Carnegie Mellon University in 1989. She began her Architectural training in the offices of Studio PRAS, successor firm to Pier Luigi Nervi Studio (Rome, Italy). Elizabeth pursued post-baccalaureate studies in Studio Art at the University of Texas at Austin and established Studio B, Elizabeth Rexrode Architect in Austin Texas. During her 11-year tenure at Gluckman Mayner Architects she was named an Associate and was responsible for the overall project effort from Pre-Design through Construction on a wide range of project types and sizes including the Austin Museum of Art; Luhring Augustine, Andrea Rosen and Paula Cooper Galleries; Second Stage Theatre (in collaboration with Rem Koolhaas) and various other commercial and residential projects. In addition to practicing architecture Elizabeth has also taught at the Princeton University School of Architecture. Elizabeth is a licensed architect, registered in New York and New Jersey, and NCARB certified.
Michael Chirigos received a Bachelor of Art from George Washington University in 1987 and Masters in Architecture from the University of Texas at Austin in 1994. From 1995 to 2001 Michael was responsible for residential, commercial and institutional projects and an Associate at Buttrick White and Burtis Architects. Michael established Michael Chirigos Architect in 2001 which subsequently became Rexrode Chirigos Architects. The work of Michael Chirigos Architect included commercial, institutional and residential commissions. Michael is a licensed architect, registered in New York.
Contacter : Rexrode Chirigos Arc
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