Pediatric Immediate Care
- Adresse : 698 Manhattan Ave Ste 2, Brooklyn, NY 11222
Ville : New York - Tél : +1 718 389 7337
Envoyez-nous un E-mail -
- Visitez notre site

Our State of the Art medical office equipment allows us to deliver results of following tests during your visit:
- Blood Analysis
- Urinalysis
- Quick Strep/Throat Culture
- Electrocardiogam/EKG
- Pulse Oxymetry - Oxygen Saturation
- Spirometry/Pulmonary Function Test
- Peak Flows
- Newborn Hearing Test - Audiopath
- Hearing Test - Audiogram
- Tympanogram
- Computerized Vision Test
Contacter : Pediatric Immediate Care
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