Destin Auto Parts
- Adresse : 2186 Amsterdam Avenue
New York, NY 10032
Ville : New York - Tél : +1 212 740 6851
Envoyez-nous un E-mail -
- Visitez notre site

My name is Luis Gonzalez and I would like to welcome you to Destin Auto Parts.
My father started this business in 1978 under the name JVC Auto Parts. Even though my brother and I worked other jobs as teenagers, we grew up in the Auto Parts store and it wouldn’t be long before we joined it full-time in one capacity or another. In 2010 my Dad passed the reigns to me and my brother and I work hard to protect his hard work and make him proud.
In 2014 we expanded beyond our Manhattan location to Hackensack, New Jersey. While challenging, it’s been a positive move and we grow to love the neighborhood more every day. We continue to look for opportunities to broaden our service area.
Please stop in and say hello at any of our locations, Manhattan, Hillside or Hackensack. I look forward to meeting you!
Contacter : Destin Auto Parts
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