Time Equities Inc
- Adresse : 55 Fifth Avenue, 15th Floor
New York, NY 10003
Ville : New York - Tél : +1 212 206 6000
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receptionist@timeequities.com - www.timeequities.com
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A diversified firm with an eye on the future.
Founded in 1966, Time Equities, Inc. (“TEI”) has been in the real estate investment, development, and asset and property management business for more than 50 years. TEI currently holds in its own portfolio approximately 38.9 million square feet of residential, industrial, office and retail property including about 5,500 multi-family apartment units, approximately 2.2 million square feet in pending acquisitions, and 1.4 million square feet of various property types in stages of pre-development and development. With 330 properties across 33 states, 5 Canadian provinces, Anguilla, England, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, and Scotland, the TEI portfolio benefits from a diversity of property types, sizes and markets. There are concentrations in the Northeast, Southeast, Midwest and West Coast of the U.S., and new markets around the world are always being evaluated.
Contacter : Time Equities Inc
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