New Jersey Bariatric Center
- Adresse : 193 Morris Ave, Springfield, NJ 07081
Ville : New York - Tél : +1 908 481 1270
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People who’ve struggled with weight loss know that there are no simple solutions. The truth is, weight loss requires patience, motivation and a commitment to lifestyle change. Obesity is a disease, and the surgeons and staff at New Jersey Bariatric Center® have a firm belief that it should be treated that way.
The New Jersey Bariatric Center® team of physicians, dietitians and psychologists can help. Our trained and licensed medical and surgical weight loss experts have helped thousands of patients with their weight loss goals. Whether you are thinking about weight loss surgery, bariatric revision surgery, pursuing non-surgical weight loss with Gastric Balloon, nutrition counseling or an FDA-approved weight loss medication, you’ve taken an important first step.
Studies show that weight loss will help you improve the serious health risks caused by obesity. Our patients report improvements to their diabetes, sleep apnea and overall quality of life. We hope you’ll learn as much as you can from our site. Explore our information about weight loss surgery. Read some of our patient stories. Watch our patient videos and, if you want to learn more, attend a free weight loss surgery webinar.
Contacter : New Jersey Bariatric Center
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