Brooklyn Heights Pediatrics
- Adresse : 15 Pierrepont St, Brooklyn, NY 11201
Ville : New York - Tél : +1 718 237 2122
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Our Services
We provide various pediatric diagnostic services and dental treatments. Please contact us for an assessment specific to your needs.
Preventive: treatments such as fluoride, x-rays, sealants, professional cleaning, as part of the well visit.
Restorative: different restorative options that are fitted for each individual.
Frenectomy: tethered oral tissues that contribute to difficulties in breastfeeding, swallowing, breathing, or speech, etc.
Sedation: for patients who need multiple restorative visits and long appointments, have gag reflex, are of pre-cooperative age, or find local anesthetic ineffective.
Orthodontics + Dentofacial Orthopedics: monitor individual growth and development in case early orthodontic treatments are necessary. They can help prevent the need for permanent teeth extraction and jaw surgeries. At the appropriate age, a complementary orthodontic consultation with our dual pedo-ortho trained dentists is recommended.
Contacter : Brooklyn Heights Pediatrics
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