Empire State Realty Trust
- Adresse : 111 West 33rd Street, New York, NY 10120
Ville : New York - Tél : +1 212 687 8700
Envoyez-nous un E-mail
esrt@renegade.com - www.renegade.com
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Performance for Today. Perspective for Tomorrow.
Empire State Realty Trust, Inc. (NYSE: ESRT) is a NYC-focused REIT that owns and manages a well-positioned property portfolio of office, retail, and multifamily assets in Manhattan and the greater New York metropolitan area. Owner of the Empire State Building – the “World’s Most Famous Building” – ESRT also owns and operates its iconic, newly reimagined Observatory Experience.
Empire State Realty Trust achieves success for our tenants, brokers, investors, employees and other stakeholders. Our fully-modernized, energy-efficient spaces provide exceptional value to our current and prospective tenants and residents, and serve as a competitive advantage to us. As the leader in sustainability and energy efficiency with a focus on ROI-driven investment, ESRT’s commitment to indoor environment quality is unmatched.
Contacter : Empire State Realty Trust
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