Gravesend, Brooklyn Century Medical & Dental Center
- Adresse : Century Medical & Dental Center
260 Ave X
Brooklyn, NY 11223
Ville : New York - Tél : +1 718 336 8855
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Endocrinology is the medical practice that deals with hormonal problems. Your hormones affect so many of your other body parts and how your body functions that it’s likely at some point, you may receive a referral from one of our primary care physicians to an endocrinologist in Brooklyn. It’s vital that your endocrinology doctor receives a complete picture of your health, how it relates to your symptoms, what your medical history entails and what other, sometimes seemingly unrelated, symptoms you may be experiencing.
Note: Our endocrinologists at Century Medical and Dental Center located in Downtown Brooklyn, Flatbush, Gravesend Fort Greene and Midtown Manhattan locations are accepting all major insurance plans including Medicare, Medicaid, HIP, Emblemhealth, GHI, MetroPlus, Fidelis. Our top rated doctors providing a full range of medical procedures and are among the best endocrinology specialists in the region.
Endocrinology is the field of medicine that specializes in hormone-related diseases and concerns. Whether you’re dealing with weight problems, a thyroid disorders or diabetes, your Brooklyn endocrinologist helps you find the best avenue to health by not only understanding the basis of internal medicine, but also specializing in how your body reacts to various levels of hormones.
Endocrinology refers to your hormones — including the imbalances that may occur and your affected tissues or glands. Hormones regulate many of the processes in your body that impact your everyday health, including:
- Growth
- Sensory perception
- Metabolism
- Movement
- Reproduction
Contacter : Gravesend, Brooklyn Century Medical & Dental Center
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