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About Us
Citysearch helps you find local businesses in your city and neighborhood.
Citysearch is an operating business of CityGrid Media. For more information, visit Citygrid Media's Website.
Frequently Asked Questions
There are a ton of sites out there. Why Citysearch?
Founded in 1995, we focus on local businesses and community and, most importantly, bringing the two together. -
What is 'Best of Citysearch'?
Our Best of Citysearch feature allows for you, the user, to vote on your favorite new restaurants, kid-friendly eateries, relaxing day spas, trendy hair salons... you name it! With over 20 categories to choose from, this platform allows users to actively engage with local businesses and easily locate the 'best of' a specific type of local venue. Best of Citysearch campaigns typically happen at least once a year in one or more categories. See what businesses Citysearch users in your area prefer by browsing Best of Citysearch.
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