Cypress Hills
- Adresse : 2849 Fulton St, Brooklyn, NY 11207
Ville : New York - Tél : +1 718 827 0074
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About Cypress Hills Local Development Corporation:
Local residents and merchants founded Cypress Hills Local Development Corporation (CHLDC) in 1983. Cypress Hills had undergone a period of rapid neighborhood change, systemic disinvestment by city government and banks, the flight of long-time residents and the loss of local businesses that devastated the Fulton Street commercial strip. Together, these residents and merchants sought to revitalize and improve Cypress Hills through community development. In the beginnings of CHLDC, we worked tirelessly to fill the over 100 vacancies that existed in the 1990s on Fulton Street, secure major capital improvements for the commercial corridor and promote local shopping. Over the decades, our organization has gone from a one-program organization with an annual budget of $35,000 to one with six program divisions serving 10,000 people a year, with a budget of over $15 million. We couldn’t be prouder to be partnering once again with the hard-working merchants of Cypress Hills to preserve and expand their businesses and take advantage of the residential growth happening in the community. This year we are celebrating our 35th Anniversary and encourage residents to help us celebrate by shopping at the shops listed in this directory!
Contacter : Cypress Hills
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