Gotham Realty Holdings
- Adresse : 3O Broad Street
New York, NY 10004
Ville : New York - Tél : +1 212 248 2216
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Gotham Realty is a private firm developed by a small group of investors with unique access to investment opportunities. By maintaining relationships with industry veterans and major financial institutions, Gotham Realty has acquired Class A commercial buildings in strong markets and continues to source attractive properties for its portfolio of investments. Gotham is commited to providing discretion and exclusivity to our select group of investment partners and maintaining a first-class reputation in our industry.
Gotham's portfolio is concentrated in strong commercial markets. Gotham Realty currently owns more than 3.5 million square feet in various markets, including our prime investment, the Bank of America building/555 California Street, located in the heart of San Francisco's financial district, which is considered one of the best trophy assets in the U.S. and to date has yielded some of the most attractive returns in its market.joint ventures with other recognized investment companies and through direct purchases.
Gothams Realty's experienced management, property and financial professionals are supported by a network of third party consultants that are meticulously selected for their expertise in their specific fields. This ensures that each Gotham Realty investment offers the highest quality business environment to our clients as well as superior service to its tenants.
Contacter : Gotham Realty Holdings
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