Halstead Management Company
- Adresse : 770 Lexington Ave, Fl 7th New York, NY 10065
Ville : New York - Tél : +1 212 508 7272
Envoyez-nous un E-mail
managementcompany@halstead.com - www.halstead.com
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No other firm can match Halstead's experience in managing New York luxury cooperatives and condominiums, or the depth of our management organization.
Our mission is to meet each property's particular requirements, provide unparalleled service to its residents, and maintain and enhance its value. In the process, we are sensitive to the fact that where and how people live is a powerful and complex emotional issue, and to the necessity of balancing the Board of Directors' objectives, as a client, with those of the individual resident/owners.
Proactive Management, Emphasizing Value and Client Satisfaction
Recognizing the variety of skills needed for effective management, we assign to each property a balanced team of dedicated executives and support staff, closely coordinated under control systems that directly involve the senior echelons of the company.
We see the client's interests as a combination of these management-related points of view:
- Asset management-the fiscal health of the property
- Property management-staffing, maintaining and operating the building and its systems
- Relationship management-the quality of life in the building and accommodation of the diverse interests of the individual resident owners.
Our focus on client satisfaction starts with identifying the unique style and character of each property. We then tailor our services accordingly. As we integrate the three management functions to achieve our clients' goals, our approach is not just responsive, but proactive. While responsiveness is essential to successful management, anticipation is the mark of professionalism.
We have developed comprehensive techniques for controlling every aspect of management and for effective deployment and supervision of our staff, to ensure that the objectives are met. We work with the Board to establish an annual operating and capital budget and the common charges needed to balance it. To effectuate a balanced budget, we can work with the board to establish a multi-year plan which identifies, anticipates, evaluates and prioritizes the short and long-term needs for the building.
Contacter : Halstead Management Company
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