Village Obstetrics
- Adresse : 1225 Park Ave, New York, NY 10128
Ville : New York - Tél : +1 212 741 2229
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Minimally Invasive Obstetrics means doing the least necessary intervention to achieve a healthy pregnancy and birth. Sometimes no intervention is needed, and at other times quite a bit is required, but our approach is always gentle and respectful. Our philosophy of care has yielded outstanding results and high patient satisfaction.
We aim to assist women and their partners in achieving safe and satisfying pregnancy, birth, and parenthood. We recognize that women should not have to choose between a safe delivery and a beautiful experience. The philosophy of Village Obstetrics™ is one of deep respect for the natural process of pregnancy and birth. Yet as expert doctors, we recognize the need for carefully selected treatments at times.
We noticed some large group practices where patients felt misunderstood and rushed. Questions were left unanswered. Doctors were not available quickly. It’s not the obstetrician’s fault. However, patients can feel lost, even when they are getting excellent care. When you are pregnant, especially for the first time, every question matters. You don’t always know what is dangerous and what is ok. We created a new kind of practice to improve pregnancy care.
We strive to balance the best of modern medicine with the wisdom of unhurried care. We are aware of the uniqueness of each patient and family. We acknowledge your autonomy as the most important principle and strive for honest communication as the best way to build mutual trust. We recognize the physical, psychological, social, and even economic impact pregnancy can have on our patients.
Contacter : Village Obstetrics
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