NYSPIA Surgeons Group
- Adresse : 3601 31st Ave, Astoria, NY 11106
Ville : New York - Tél : +1 718 626 3068
Envoyez-nous un E-mail
admin@nyspia.org - www.nyspiadoctors.org
- Visitez notre site

The New York State Police Investigators Association (NYSPIA) consists of over 1,800 active and retired members currently or previously assigned to the Bureau of Criminal Investigation in the New York State Police.The Bureau of Criminal Investigation consists of both Senior Investigators and Investigators.
In 1995 NYSPIA reached out and began a relationship with members of the medical community, known as the Surgeons Group.This relationship affords our members and their families with access to physicians, dentists and specialists within the medical field.This program benefits our members by providing the best possible medical care available and helps to improve their overall health and well-being.The Surgeons Group currently consists of approximately 300 doctors and dentists and continues to grow each year.These specialists can be contacted to assist with preventative care, consultation and for treatment during times of sickness or injury. The expertise in medical treatment and the level of care and commitment that the doctors and dentists of this program have provided to our members over the years has proven to be invaluable during times of medical need.
Contacter : NYSPIA Surgeons Group
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