Joseph P. Day Realty Corp
- Adresse : 9 East 40th Street,
New York, N.Y. 10016
Ville : New York - Tél : +1 212 889 7460
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Joseph P. Day is a complete real estate service large enough to offer the most sophisticated support and service yet we are small enough to offer the closest day-by-day attention.
For nearly a hundred years, Joseph P. Day Realty Corporation has been a recognized force in the real estate community. In commercial leasing, property management, real estate analysis, and investment sales, we have forged a set of credentials and a reputation for stability that are universally acknowledged.
We have never sought to be the biggest, we have always desired to be the best. Many in our industry feel we have succeeded. We are a “hands-on” company. We don’t believe in running the show from our New York office. You are just as likely to find us out in the field where the most creative real estate solutions are often to be found and solved.
Today, our customer and client list reads like a “Who’s Who” in corporate America. We are habitually sought out by sophisticated corporate and institutional clients for our expertise, our marketing and our financial acumen in the real estate world.
Contacter : Joseph P. Day Realty Corp
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