Prospect Cleaning Service Inc
- Adresse : 492 Flatbush Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11225
Ville : New York - Tél : +1 718 282 6348
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About Us
Prospect Cleaning Service, Inc. is a proud member of the Brooklyn chamber of Commerce. Prospect Cleaning Service, Inc. is a certified Minority Women Owned Business Enterprise (M/WDBE) both with the New york City and State NYC and NYS
We are also a registered Vendor with the System Administrator Management (SAM) cage code 79G48.
Please feel free to contact Prospect Cleaning Service anytime regarding references, appointments, walk-through’s or any question you may have regarding our exceptional NYC house cleaning or office cleaning services. All information collected is for internal use only. We would love to hear from you!
Prospect Cleaning Service is a family owned business whose owners have over 20 years experience. We are located in the east Flatbush Community in Brooklyn, which is central and is within 5 minutes to the Brooklyn Metrotech Center Downtown Brooklyn, 10 minutes to Mid Town Manhattan, and 15-20 minutes to Long Island and Queens. At Prospect Cleaning Service, we pride ourselves on the longstanding relationships we create through our extraordinary ability to please and satisfy our clients throughout the years and we are proud to disclose that we have never lost a client due to dishonesty or unsatisfactory service. This is so because our dedicated, professionally trained staff is chosen based on their love for the industry, their commitment to quality service and their character.
Prospect Cleaning Service is customer oriented, enthusiastic and ready to serve with a smile whenever needed. This is rewarded by the constant commendation of our staff by us and the people we serve. At Prospect Cleaning Service, we cater our cleaning services to a wide variety of nyc area houses, apartments, healthcare facilities, corporate headquarters and offices, daycares, schools and fitness centers. NYC home cleanings and office cleanings are what we do best!
Contacter : Prospect Cleaning Service Inc
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