Airtronics Air Conditioning Corporation
- Adresse : 325 W 38th St, New York, NY 10018
Ville : New York - Tél : +1 212 302 2020
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More About Airtronics Air Conditioning Corporation
We pride ourselves on providing the highest level of service to our clients in the New York City area. Our service contracts keep our clients happy and worry free from the first day of installation until the end of the life cycle of the air conditioning unit. We are well known for timely service, accurate estimates and well trained technicians. If you're looking for an air conditioning company that has built its reputation on honesty, quality and service, you've come to the right place.
Airtronics Air Conditioning Corporation has service contracts with residential and commercial spaces. We can set up a service contract that reduces your long term costs and maintains your current equipment. These contracts reduce replacement costs and provide a higher level of service of existing systems. Contact us today to inquire about the variety and scope of our service plans.
Performance Air Conditioning Service Agreement
The Peak Performance Service Agreement is different. While keeping breakdowns and repairs at a minimum, it also focuses on reducing utility cost. The number one complaint is lack of comfort. When people are uncomfortable, their productivity can be decreased by up to 25%. We will find and eliminate small problems before they grow large and expensive. We also include an 18 point “Peak Performance Maintenance Schedule”, to keep your air conditioning working to its maximum efficiency, and 24-Hour Emergency Service.
The Facts:
- 100th of an inch of dirt on an evaporator coil can increase operating costs.
- Dirty blower wheels can reduce airflow over 30%.
- 23% refrigerant undercharge can cause 52% efficiency loss.
- Depending on the severity, a savings of more than $100 per rated ton each season could be possible where maintenance has been poor or nonexistent.
Contacter : Airtronics Air Conditioning Corporation
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