Pulmonary Wellness ComplexPT Rehabilitation
- Adresse : 6 East 39th Street
(Between Fifth and Madison Avenues)
Suite 401 (4th Floor) New York, NY 10016
Ville : New York - Tél : +1 212 921 0214
Envoyez-nous un E-mail
noah@complexpt.com - www.pulmonarywellness.com
- Visitez notre site

Cardiovascular & Respiratory Diseases,
Complex Medical & Post-Covid Rehab
Pulmonary Wellness has always put the care of our patients at the epicenter of everything we do. Since 1998, our singular commitment has been providing the most advanced and comprehensive state-of-the-art-and-science programs in cardiovascular, pulmonary and complex medical rehabilitation; individually tailored to meet the unique and specialized needs of each and every patient.
Since Day One, the Center’s Mission has been to empower our patients to achieve their highest quality of life by learning how to lessen and reverse the effects of their disease and to effectively manage its associated symptoms.
Contacter : Pulmonary Wellness ComplexPT Rehabilitation
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