Jonis Realty Leasing JRL NYC, LLC
- Adresse : 157 2nd Ave
New York, NY 10003
Ville : New York - Tél : +212 917 274 7455
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Jonis Realty is a family-owned real estate firm founded in 1976. Since that time, Jonis Realty has both grown its own portfolio and expanded the real estate services it provides. At inception, the portfolio was comprised of three residential/mixed-use properties in Manhattan; but it now includes over 50 buildings, over 1,000 apartments, 50 stores and numerous office buildings – spanning Manhattan, the Bronx, Brooklyn and Long Island.
While Jonis Realty’s primary focus is property acquisitions and property management, the firm also offers services in financial analysis, syndications, condominium conversions, real estate development and residential, commercial and retail brokerage. The property management services are provided by Citi-Urban Management, an affiliate of Jonis Realty.
Contacter : Jonis Realty Leasing JRL NYC, LLC
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