Capstone Realty Advisors, Inc
- Adresse : 520 Eighth Avenue | 22nd Floor New York, NY 10018
Ville : New York - Tél : +1 212 239 1300
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Who we are & what we do
Capstone Realty Advisors is a commercial real estate firm specializing in Manhattan office space. We are dedicated to representing small to midsize companies in all phases of real estate, including:
Our commitment to exclusively represent tenants, not landlords, signifies our pledge to solely champion tenant interests through a partnership built on trust and industry expertise.
Our consultative approach provides comprehensive and innovative real estate solutions derived from a collaborative environment. As experts in the field with an in-depth knowledge of the Manhattan office space real estate market, we maintain full accountability for meeting our clients’ business objectives and goals.
Contacter : Capstone Realty Advisors, Inc
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