Raz Realty
- Adresse : 749 W End Ave
New York, NY 10025
Ville : New York - Tél : +1 212 865 2366
Envoyez-nous un E-mail
rzeevi@razrealty.com - www.azrealty.com
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RAZ Realty is a Real Estate brokerage firm specializing in sales and rentals in Manhattan. We, the brokers associated with RAZ Realty, specialize in the sale of cooperatives, condominiums and townhouses. We have extensive experience and knowledge in the intricacies of Manhattan real estate. We are highly trained professionals, who live and work in Manhattan. Our policy is to give individual attention and service to both buyers and sellers in our community. Our reputation for excellence, exceptional service and integrity are well established. Our many contacts with mortgage brokers, the legal community, and other real estate service providers, have been instrumental in assisting our customers and clients make this often stressful process, as easy as possible. We often work as a team. By staying tuned to the market conditions, we have been instrumental in meeting the needs of our sellers and our buyers. We are able to get the optimal prices for both our sellers and buyers. We are noted for the quality of our service, our professionalism, and our dedicated attention to detail to the individual needs of both our clients and customers.
Contacter : Raz Realty
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