- Adresse : 1200 Ocean Drive Miami Beach, FL 33139
Ville : New York - Tél : +1 615 457 8906
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SoBeNY is a national hospitality company providing luxury accommodations for short term travel in core urban destinations and highly traveled cities nationwide. It's focus on high-end accommodations, customer service, and an easy customer friendly experience has made it a leader in the fast growing hotel alternative space.
Wow This Was Better Than A Hotel Room
“There’s no place like home…” was just a movie line to some; but for us it was an inspiration for create something better. It’s awesome to be where you want to be without compromising; with SoBeNY you can accomplish just that. So, go ahead close your eyes and tap your heels a few times, we’ll see you when you get here “
You Choose The Time Frame
A few days or a month, you decide what you need, let our place take care of everything else. Rest, play, launchpad, we can be it all.
Contacter : sobeny
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