Katonah Self Storage
- Adresse : 341 Railroad Avenue
Bedford Hills, NY 10507
Ville : New York - Tél : +1 914 242 8960
Envoyez-nous un E-mail
info@katonahselfstorage.com - katonahselfstorage.com
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Katonah Self Storage would like to help make your move less stressful by providing you with moving suggestions and tips. Organizing and preparing weeks ahead of your move ensures a successful re-location and dramatically reduces mistakes and stress.
6-8 Weeks Before Moving – Clean Out, Hire Movers and Pay Attention to Detail
- Begin choosing which items will be moving with you, which will be placed in storage and which you can do without! Also consider which items you would like to move yourself, and which can be trusted with the movers.
- If you don’t have a moving company in mind, get references and take bids from several different companies. We are also happy to recommend reliable, local movers.
- Many moving expenses are tax-deductible, so maintain a file with important information and receipts for moving related expenses.
- If moving to a new community, find out about the schools, parks, recreation, and community programs from the local Chamber of Commerce or Visitor’s Bureau.
- Transfer medical, property, fire and auto insurance through your insurance agent.
- Place all your medical records in a safe place. Do not forget prescriptions, vaccination records and other important information.
4-5 Weeks Before Moving – Gather Supplies, Register Community Changes and Set Up Utilities
- If you are planning to do some part of the packing, start collecting moving and packing supplies. These can be purchased from our supply shop.
- Contact the post office and fill out an US postal change of address form and provide your new address to your utility companies, internet, phone and cable companies.
- If you have children, ensure they are registered at their new schools or find a trusted daycare provider in your new community.
- Contact utility companies – electricity, gas, phone and others for disconnection after your scheduled move out. And call ahead to have utilities connected to your new home.
- If you have pets make arrangements for transportation. Find out if there are specific requirements for pet ownership in your new township. Also obtain the veterinarian records.
2-4 Weeks Before Moving – Begin Packing and Disposing Items
- You may NOT want to pack your valuables in the moving vehicle; consider taking them with you.
- Plants – some state laws do not allow moving house plants across borders so prepare for this ahead of time.
- Depending on the length of your move, if you are going to travel by car, you may want to get the automobile serviced prior to your departure.
- Start packing items you don’t currently need.
- Don’t forget anything in basements, attics, and closets; Clearing out safety deposit boxes may also be in order.
- Back up important computer files. Avoid exposure to extreme temperatures.
- Dispose of inflammable items like fireworks, cleaning fluids, matches, acids, chemistry sets and other hazardous items.
Contacter : Katonah Self Storage
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