Midtown East Physical Therapy
- Adresse : 20 East 46th Street Suite 301
New York, NY 10017
Ville : New York - Tél : +1 212 922 0044
Envoyez-nous un E-mail
meptny@gmail.com - www.midtowneastphysicaltherapy.com
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At Midtown East Physical Therapy our philosophy of care focuses on establishing an accurate diagnosis of the source responsible for your pain/symptoms. Once we have established a cause effect relationship by accurate palpation and assessment of the body we begin to treat using the latest in manual therapy from Counterstrain of the muscles, ligaments and tendons to Fascial Counterstrain of the Visceral system (Liver, Lungs, etc..) to spinal adjustments and deep tissue massage. Each patient receives a rehabilitation program customized to meet their individual needs. We don’t just treat the symptoms, we find and eliminate the cause or in most cases causes.
The Physical Therapists at Midtown East have been and are currently trained by the pioneers of manual medicine. Dr. Dmitry Shestakovsky and Dr. Gregory Trakhtenberg have over 35 years of combined experience in performing extensive hands-on manual therapy evaluation and treatment. It is our strong belief that manual therapy is the most effective technique a physical therapist can utilize to diagnose and treat areas of dysfunction such as tight muscles and stiff joints. Many other facilities do not follow this philosophy of care performing little or no hands-on manual therapy.
While our bodies’ structures are generally similar, each person possesses a unique set of individually developed body characteristics in terms of its posture, muscle tone and flexibility. We tailor your treatment program based on your individual traits while addressing your personal needs and goals. Our objectives are to diagnose your condition, assess your strengths and limitations, and put together an effective exercise program.
Our goal is for the patient to achieve wellness and the only way to truly to do that is by manual therapy in a one on one setting. We look forward to welcoming you to the Midtown East PT family.
Contacter : Midtown East Physical Therapy
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