VALOR Investigations & Security
- Adresse : 57 Putnam Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11238
Ville : New York - Tél : +1 646 208 8214
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Threat Detection
This is the key; this is where we excel.
Detecting threats before they become front-page news is the standard by which a proactive and experienced staff should be judged.
The key to the Personal Protective Profession, (and it is a Profession, as well as an Art) , is in the advance work, the anticipation, and the planning; not in reacting, and thus playing "catch up" to the unforeseen emergence of a deadly threat to you or a loved one.
Hoping for the best is not a plan. There is no trophy for runner-up in a life or death confrontation.
Our staff does not include “armchair experts”.
We have actually performed the watching, the following, the tracking, the learning of body and facial language, the interviewing, the reading between the lines, the detecting of larcenous and hostile intent, the spotting and disarming of aggressive persons armed with concealed weapons, the physical apprehensions and controlling of hostile criminals, - in the field - where there is no consolation prize for coming in second.
These exceptional men and women are handpicked from Law Enforcement Professionals; few make the cut. Protecting your family or your executives is not the time or place for on-the-job training.
Investigative Services
VALOR provides clear, concise written narrative reports with each surveillance assignment, expert surveillance investigators; documenting, even the smallest details, backed up with video and/or still photos in matters involving the following:
-Comprehensive Background Investigations
-Marital and Premarital matters
-Custody matters, unfit or negligent parenting
-Insurance injury cases
-On-site drug activity
-Employee theft
-Sexual harassment and stalking
-Locating Missing Persons, debtors, or hard to locate witnesses
-Investigator Witness statements, written and video statements
-Trial Preparation and other Litigation support
-Review and re-investigation of criminal matters
-Wrongful Criminal Convictions
-Expert Review of Police practices and Procedures
Please feel free to contact Valor Investigations for a frank, honest, and confidential discussion of your situation.
Contacter : VALOR Investigations & Security
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