Busy Bee Cleaning Service
- Adresse : 1133 Broadway Ste 412, New York, NY 10010
Ville : New York - Tél : +1 212 921 2364
Envoyez-nous un E-mail
busybee@bbcleaningservice.com - bbcleaningservice.com
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Busy Bee Cleaning Service
When it comes to cleaning services NYC has been relying on Busy Bee for years from 2004. Our passion is cleaning New York City offices, homes, schools, businesses. We are proud to call ourselves cleaning experts. Our maid service, office cleaning services, and maintenance services are guaranteed to provide you with a safe, spotless home or office. New Yorkers are busy people and we know that providing affordable, efficient, and reliable local cleaning services is important to the success of businesses and residents alike.
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