Nathaniel Christian Group
- Adresse : 745 Fifth Avenue, Suite 500
New York New York 10151
Ville : Nashville - Tél : +1 212 929 4400
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Nathaniel Christian is the Founder and CEO of the Nathaniel Christian Group (NCG) a full service real estate company.
Recognizing Potential
At any point in time, NCG is actively evaluating the turnaround potential of multiple properties in the New York City, Los Angeles Area and London marketplaces. By consistently identifying properties with untapped potential (significant vacancies, management neglect, business districts in transition…), we have established a proven business model that is respected throughout the industry.
Strategic Partners
Large institutional investors have come to rely on our real time market intelligence when the subject is real estate. Our ability to manage every stage of the process – from initial due diligence and engineering studies to full lease up and management of the property – is particularly beneficial when pursuing time sensitive “off market” transactions.
Surety of Closure
By establishing a unique niche in the market, NCG has been the guiding force in the acquisition and disposition of commercial and residential real estate — an investment history that continues to pay dividends. Quite often, NCG is approached before a property reaches the general market, as sellers know that we have the in-house due diligence capabilities, as well as the financial clout to close the deal.
NCG offers real estate investors from across the globe, an opportunity to partner with a full service firm capable of overseeing all development and asset management responsibilities.
Contacter : Nathaniel Christian Group
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