Gemini Waterproofing and Restoration Corp
- Adresse : 200 E End Ave Apt 2C, New York, NY 10128
Ville : New York - Tél : +1 212 581 8500
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At Gemini, we have acquired approved applicator licenses from the top roofing manufacturers in the world. Roof assemblies as manufactured by Kemper Systems, Siplast, GAF, Firestone and Johns Manville are just a sample of the companies we have professional relationships with. The licenses require extensive training by Gemini personnel and field approval of all applications. At Gemini, we spare no expense when it comes to provide our personnel with education in the latest technologies. Therefore, Gemini is ready to provide a first class installation of any roof system to satisfy your needs.
Gemini Waterproofing and Restoration is a family owned business specializing in the restoration and maintenance of New York's treasured skyline as well as other valued structures in the tri-state area during the last three decades.
At Gemini Waterproofing and Restoration our staff includes skillful and caring craftsmen who are dedicated to their craft and who take pride in every project. Supporting these wonderfully talented field mechanics is a professional staff of project managers capable of handling any project requested. Our belief is servicing you, the client, with the best trained personnel which explains our approved applicator licenses with more than 20 manufacturers of various products exclusively for the building restoration and roofing industries.
Since the early days of our company's start, Gemini has been hands-on in our approach in helping building owners resolve their waterproofing and maintenance issues. We realize the importance of maintaining the value of the properties in addition to providing comfort and peace of mind to the building's occupants. Our services are geared to provide the client with the very best performance available in the New York area.
Contacter : Gemini Waterproofing and Restoration Corp
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