VA NY Harbor Healthcare System
- Adresse : 423 E 23 Street New York, NY 10002
Ville : New York - Tél : +1 212 686 7500
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VA New York Harbor is dedicated to improving the health of the men and women who so proudly served our nation. It is our privilege to serve your health care needs in any way we can. Services are available to Veterans living throughout NYC
VA New York Harbor Healthcare System is a level 1A facility and consists of two tertiary care medical centers located in Manhattan and Brooklyn and a Community Living Center located in St. Albans, Queens. VA New York Harbor Healthcare System also operates three community based clinics situated in Harlem, downtown Brooklyn and Staten Island which serve New York, Kings, Queens and Richmond Counties. VA New York Harbor Healthcare System is a part of the Veterans Integrated Service Network (VISN) 2
Contacter : VA NY Harbor Healthcare System
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