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The Cultural Institutions Retirement System (“CIRS”) was founded in 1962 by five (5) cultural institutions – The Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, The New York Botanical Garden, The Museum of The City of New York, The Staten Island Institute of Arts and Sciences and The Staten Island Zoological Society – to provide common pension and group life insurance benefits for eligible employees. Private tax-exempt child care centers joined CIRS beginning in 1964 through the efforts of the Day Care Council of New York, Inc. CIRS exists today as the result of a unique partnership between the City of New York, the cultural institutions, the Day Care Council of New York and three Unions. The Plan is governed by a Board of nine Trustees, two of which are appointed by the Mayor of New York, two by the Unions, and five by the Cultural Institutions. CIRS provides retirement benefits to over 21,000 members including more than 8,000 active child care and cultural institution workers.
Contacter : CIRS
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